Where can I get private legal services in Uvita?

If you are looking to invest in rental income property in Uvita or the town of Dominical or Quepos, you will need help beyond the transactional attorney. It’s no longer possible to open a bank account with a national bank without triggering the immediate legal connection to Hacienda and Tributacion

Costa Rica’s version of the IRS in the United States.

Once you open up a bank account here, you will need a real CPA to handle your monthly declarations, whether 100 dollars or 10,000 dollars. Hacienda will be very aggressive in asking for their taxes based on your income here. Would it not be prudent to be prepared and organized beforehand?

Non-compliance can be exorbitant in terms of fines. It would also be wise to have an attorney who has years of experience dealing with the entity of Hacienda and understands the mechanism that is triggered by non-compliance and how to resolve problems on behalf of a client.

Its way beyond the mere transaction that your attorney should be able to handle. There are none of these attorneys in Uvita or Dominical, unfortunately.

Ask yourself these questions:

Does my attorney have years of experience dealing with and litigating with Hacienda?

Do I Have a legitimate CPA who truly understands the realities of doing things properly and will have me in total compliance with Hacienda?

How will this affect my rental income property in Uvita, Dominical or the Southern Pacific Zone?

Please let us handle your turnkey construction project in Uvita or elsewhere in the Southern Pacific Zone, and provide you with a comprehensive team of qualified professionals. It will make all the difference in the world for a positive experience long term here in Costa Rica.

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