The Cost of Building a Home in Uvita, Costa Rica

Its important to consider the costs of building a home in Uvita or anywhere else in the Southern Central Zone of Puntarenas. There are construction costs, which are solely limited to the actual costs of building the home, and then the following incidentals which must be budgeted for by you the client.

First and foremost, you must include the 10.5% of TPC, or Total Project Cost, which i set by the Colegio de Arquitectos y Ingenieros (Institute of Architects and Engineers).

This is the card rate set by that group of professionals. It is something that is beyond the scope of any builder’s control in Uvita or Dominical.It is a substantial cost that is part of any build in Quepos, Uvita, Dominical, etc. It is applied nationwide.

You must also legally comply with the permitting required to build a home in Dominical or Uvita. That municipality is found in the city of Cortes. 1.1% of the project’s total cost is what they apply as the fee to to issue a building permit in Uvita and the surrounding areas.

Insurance must be complied with as well. This is covered by the entity known as the INS, or Instituto Nacional de Seguros. The costs varies according the overall value and cost of the build in Uvita.

The actual cot of building a home in Uvita is no longer “cheap’ as most might have been led to believe in the past. Costs of materials have gone up substantially on The Pacific Coast. The farther your property is from the main highways, the higher the cost of transport. Costs in Uvita, Dominical, Quepos tend to be higher because of the distances that materials must be transported from san Jose. These are areas that have a higher percentage of foreign investment. Unfortunately, this is a reality that must be accepted.

A rule of thumb would be 40% materials, 60% labor. The rest is fees and architecture costs. This is a general outline by which a client can prepare a realistic budget when preparing to build a home in Uvita, Quepos, or Dominical, or the Southern Central Zone in general. Please contact us today so we can speak further about how we can help you build your dream home.

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