Design, Construction and Remodeling in Uvita Costa Rica

Leave the myriad of paperwork to us here at GreenBuilt Costa Rica. It’s what we do for you!

Discover Our Services

Home Design

We'll create renders, drawings, and unique perspectives to create the right parameters for your home.

Home Construction

Whether you choose a colonial style or a one of a kind gem, we take into account climatic factors such as erosion, humidity, heat, seismic activity, etc...


We take old, outdated homes here and transform them really into jewels that always make the client say “wow” !
Give us a call. You’ll be happy you did.

All our Design, Construction and Remodeling services includes

  • Building Permits

    Any and all permitting required to build the client’s home.

  • Municipal permits

    Any assistance your lawyer may need to procure the necessary documentation to move the project forward at the municipal level.

  • Construction plans

    We submit plans to CFIA (Colegio de Ingenieros y Arquitectos) and those plans are proprietary and belong to the client who receives all the electrical, mechanical and construction approved plans and drawings.

  • Procedures with CFIA

    Stamped and approved by CFIA.

You will be aware of your design, remodeling or construction.

You will receive weekly written and video reports while your dream home is being built. It’s all part of our service. This is our process. It works.

Remodeling company in Uvita

Have an extensive job to remodel a home that requires a complete transformation? This is what we do. It’s our specialty. We take old, outdated homes here and transform them really into jewels that always make the client say “wow” ! Give us a call. You’ll be happy you did.

Allow us to give expression to your dream today!

Why not allow GreenBuilt Costa Rica, an American owned and operated construction company, to give expression to your dream today? Give us a call today. Or send us an email with your ideas. You’ll be glad you did.

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+506 8701 1174
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